One-Sided Terrain Guarding and Chordal Graphs

This is the journal version of my previous work (covered in this post) on the Terrain Guarding Problem. The manuscript extends results of the conference version of the paper to the Continuous Terrain Guarding Problem and to a version of the Dominating Set Problem in terrain-like graphs. In the continuous version of the problem, we are allowed to place guards anywhere on the terrain and must guard the entire terrain (as opposed to the discrete version of the problem where we can only places vertices on the vertices and are only required to guard the vertices themselves). Terrain-Like graphs were introduced by Ashur et al. in 2019 and are generalizations of the visibility graphs of terrains.

Moreover, the manuscript significantly shortens the proof of one of the theorems and corrects some small errors present in the previous version. This is my first journal publication! I got an invitation to submit this version to a special edition of Discrete Applied Mathematics after winning the “Best Student Paper Presentation” at CALDAM 2021 for my conference version of the paper. The manuscript has been submitted to the conference and is currently under review. A huge thanks to my mentor Dr. Aritra Banik for initial discussions and support during the final stages!

Feel free to email me if you want to discuss this topic! The pre-print of this paper can be downloaded as a PDF from here:
